
孤脑星球[ABO] 咸鱼仙姑 1357 字 6个月前

Never know Never trust 永远不懂 也不相信

"That love should see a color" “爱本应该充满色彩”

Crucify my love 把我的爱钉上圣架

If it should be that way 如果一切只能这样

Swing the heartache 任凭心痛在颤抖晃动

Feel it inside out 从心底去切身感受

When the wind cries 当风哭泣之时

I'll say good-bye 我就将与你道别

Tried to learn Tried to find 也曾试图学会和寻找

To reach out for eternity 去追寻那永恒

Where's the answer 答案在何处

Is this forever 是否这样就是永远

Like a river flowing to the sea 如同江河要流向大海

You'll be miles away, and I will know 你亦终将离我远去,我也会知道

I know I can deal with the pain 知道自己能够承受这份痛苦

No reason to cry 所以我不应该哭泣